ArchivalRecord: A Forked Ruby Gem for Archiving ActiveRecord Models

A project I’ve spent a lot of time on over the years is called ActsAsArchival. I am no longer a part of the company that owns the copyright, but I do still like the project, so I decided to fork it in classic open source fashion and work on some of the things I found interesting we never committed time for.

What it is Now

I’ve forked the project and called it ArchivalRecord, with source at gitlab.

All I’ve done so far is pull in a long-languishing update for Rails 6, updated all the gems that were out of date, updated language for clarity in a few places, added a security policy, renamed the project to ArchivalRecord, updated the CI engine to gitlab, and published a couple new versions of the gem.

There are a couple of straightforward good suggestions to undertake in the old issues tracker on AAA that I think I will do because they sound interesting and I’ve copied them over to the new issue tracker.